Multiple restaurants
A gastronome, who is owner of more than only one restaurant, cannot be present at any time in all his restaurants. He wants to have a kind of remote access so that he can check the current status of all instances.
OrderSprinter Spider connects to all configured instances of OrderSprinter and requests regularly reports that are essential for the gastronome. This is possible by REST API interface that is implemented in OrderSprinter from version 1.0.19 on.
Also OrderSprinter Spider is available for free. It is developed as an individual project under the very popular license GPLv3. You can download OrderSprinter Spider here or from Github, the platform on which the future development shall take place.
At the moment OrderSprinter Spider is only in German, but future versions shall support also other languages like English.
You can download the software by clicking on this link:
Download of OrderSprinter Spider 0.1
OrderSprinter Spider can only communicate with OrderSprinter instance with versions 1.0.19 and higher!
If you have questions please send an email to s.pichel@ordersprinter.de
Stefan Pichel, June 2015